Utopia or reality? Zestissime asks.
A selection of the latest news on the subject.
A little flashback. Gabriela Hearst, of the eponymous ready-to-wear brand already committed to its production chain since its creation, had already launched, in September 2019, the first impulse at its New York fashion show.
The goal? To make the parade greenhouse gas neutral. The means? Vogue tells us all about them: no models from the four corners of the globe, catering using local and seasonal products, and a donation offsetting CO2 emissions to the Hifadhi-Livelihoods project in Kenya. Some will say it's a drop in a polluted ocean. Others will see in it a certain hypocrisy, given the extent to which brands compete in creativity around increasingly elaborate and costly concepts. But what if every meaningful initiative, no matter how small, could be multiplied and lead to action on a much larger scale?

And the proof is in the pudding. January 2020. A new spotlight on this eco-responsible approach with Alexandre de Betak's announcement that he is committed to including a sustainable approach in his services. Bureau Betak is THE production company dedicated to creating and producing the fashion industry's hottest fashion shows and parties, partnering Gabriela Hearst and many other prestigious houses.
Bureau Betak has committed to a "10 commandments" charter, according to Refinery29to reduce the environmental impact of its activities.
These commitments revolve around:
1 - Integrate sustainability into the design and production of all events.
2 - Reuse materials throughout the production process.
3 - Upcycle and redistribute to give a second life to decor and materials.
4 - Sort and recycle waste.
5 - Eliminate single-use plastic and install water fountains.
6 - Offer local and seasonal meals; minimize food waste.
7 - Minimize the use of fossil fuels.
8 - Travel efficiently and reduce non-essential flights.
9 - Implement operational carbon offsetting, in particular with PUR Project.
10 - Be an active member of the association 1% for the planet.

In addition, the company intends to set up a Do Tank committee, bringing together a team of committed influencers, NGO representatives and fashion and luxury industry leaders.
Behind such a stance always lies the question of the measurability of such objectives. In this case, Bureau de Betak relies on the following standards ISO 2021 - a tool dedicated to the management of eco-responsible events - and should soon obtain the coveted certification B CORPORATIONS which we'll be talking about in more detail shortly.
Our verdict
By 2020, it will be possible to offer events that take CSR issues into account.
All economic players - brands, suppliers, subcontractors - have the means to transform their practices to better respect the planet.
At Zestissime, we want to ensure that this fashion initiative is supported and applied by other industries in the near future.